Nullsoft Directshow Decoder Plugin
Preferences - plugins - input - click on Nullsoft directshow decoder in right pane - click configure at bottom of preferences window. Add the extension after adding;. ENSURE THAT you don't change, delete, mistype any extension in that box. Please post details about your expriment with this, this will help others finding similar answers. XMMS plugin: Plugin for the XMMS audio player (thanks, Kuniklo) Download: 223kB: 1.0.3: Tiny Decoder: C Sources and sample executable for a tiny, hardware-friendly decoder (now including optimized assembler code for ColdFire and ARM CPUs) Download: 58kB: 4.40: Java Decoder: Sources and demo program for a WavPack decoder written in Java by Peter. Nullsoft Directshowdecoder. Download32 is source for nullsoft directshowdecoder shareware, freeware download - Mihov NSIS Helper, NSISScriptEditor, Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), Nullsoft SHOUTcast Server 2.0 beta GUI, etc. Mar 08, 2009 Note: When setting the Nullsoft DirectShow Decoder v1.6.dll Plug-in under Winamp to play MPEG-4 (.MP4,.M4V) video files make sure under the OTHER Winamp Plug-in (.dll), Nullsoft's MPEG-4 Audio Decoder (same screen; further down) you delete the.M4V file extension under it and only have it read for the audio file extension.the file extension. Nullsoft Directshow Decoder Plugin. Installere lyd- og video-programvare. Se under listen for styresystemer (f.eks. Winamp is a media player for Windows, Android, and OS X developed by Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev by their company Nullsoft, which they later sold to AOL, who sold it to Radionomy in January 2014. Since version 2 it has.
Nullsoft Directshow Decoder Plugin Online
Nullsoft Directshow Decoder Plugin Windows 10
here's my list of plugins from one for nunz:
Installed Winamp plugin list
Generated by 'One for Nunz v3.1.1' on 24/10/2011 at 00:38:55
<< Winamp Information >>
Winamp.ini path is: C:Documents and Settings<My Username>Application DataWinampWinamp.ini
Plugin directory is: C:Program FilesWinampPlugins
Visualisation directory is: C:Program FilesWinampPlugins
DSP directory is: C:Program FilesWinampPlugins
Skin directory is: C:Program FilesWinampskins
Language Pack directory is: C:Program FilesWinampLang
Using Winamp version: 5.62 (Build 3173)
Current skin: Winamp Modern (Modern skin)
Sonic Burning Engine is not installed
<< OS Information >>
Running on: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
Memory available: 2095848 KB
<< Input plugins >>
Monkey's Audio Player v4.01 [in_APE.dll]
Nullsoft CD Plug-in (MusicID 2.6) v3.92 [in_cdda.dll]
Nullsoft DirectShow Decoder v1.08 [in_dshow.dll]
Nullsoft FLAC Decoder v2.4 [in_flac.dll]
Nullsoft Flash Video Decoder v1.4 [in_flv.dll]
LineIn plugin v1.80 (x86) [in_line.dll]
Nullsoft LineIn Plug-in v3.12 [in_linein.dll]
Nullsoft MIDI Player v3.4 [in_midi.dll]
Nullsoft Matroska Demuxer v0.7 [in_mkv.dll]
Nullsoft Module Decoder v2.86 [in_mod.dll]
Nullsoft MPEG Audio Decoder v4.96 [in_mp3.dll]
Nullsoft MP4 Demuxer v2.4 [in_mp4.dll]
.mpc Musepack plugin 0.99g [in_mpc.dll]
Nullsoft NSV Decoder v1.6 [in_nsv.dll]
ShnAmp Plugin for WinAmp, by Wayne Stielau - V2.02 03-03-2002 [in_shn.dll]
Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder v1.59 [in_vorbis.dll]
Nullsoft Waveform Decoder v3.19 [in_wave.dll]
Nullsoft Windows Media Decoder v3.6 [in_wm.dll]
WavPack Player v2.4 (x86) [in_wv.dll]
<< Output plugins >>
Nullsoft Disk Writer v2.14 [out_disk.dll]
Nullsoft DirectSound Output v2.6 (d) [out_ds.dll] [active]
Crudsoft Gapless Output v1.5 [out_gapless.dll]
Nullsoft NULL Output Plug-In v1.0 beta (x86) [out_null.dll]
Nullsoft WaveOut Output v2.13 (d) [out_wave.dll]
Nullsoft Crossfading Output v0.95 (x86) (experimental) [out_xf.dll]
<< Visualisation plugins >>
Advanced Visualization Studio v2.81d [vis_avs.dll]
MilkDrop 1.04d [vis_milk.dll] [active]
MilkDrop v2.24 [vis_milk2.dll]
Nullsoft Tiny Fullscreen v2.12 [vis_nsfs.dll]
Peak v1.0 [vis_peak.dll]
<< DSP plugins >>
Sound Solution V1.2 [dsp_SS.dll]
Stereo Tool 6.00 by Hans van Zutphen [dsp_stereo_tool.dll] [active]
<< General Purpose plugins >>
AudioScrobbler for Winamp v1.1.11p7-DrO INTERNAL TEST BUILD [gen_audioscrobbler.dll]
Nullsoft DropBox v0.4 (alpha) [gen_dropbox.dll]
Nullsoft Modern Skins Support v1.42 [gen_ff.dll]
Nullsoft Global Hotkeys v1.9 [gen_hotkeys.dll]
Jump To File Extra v1.2.3 (Build 1151) [gen_jumpex.dll]
Nullsoft Media Library v3.60 [gen_ml.dll]
MSN Messenger Music Plugin (by TheBlasphemer) [gen_MSN.dll]
One for Nunz v3.1.1 [gen_nunzio.dll]
Nullsoft Music Usage Database v1.0 [gen_orgler.dll]
Nullsoft Tray Control v2.41 [gen_tray.dll]
<< Media Library plugins >>
Nullsoft Now Playing v3.9 [ml_nowplaying.dll]
Nullsoft Local Media v3.02 [ml_local.dll]
Nullsoft Playlists v1.2 [ml_playlists.dll]
Nullsoft Winamp Add-ons v1.1 [ml_addons.dll]
Nullsoft Online Services v1.67 [ml_online.dll]
Nullsoft Rip & Burn v1.92 [ml_disc.dll]
Nullsoft Bookmarks v1.1 [ml_bookmarks.dll]
Nullsoft History v1.9 [ml_history.dll]
Nullsoft Auto-Tagger v2.04 [ml_autotag.dll]
Nullsoft Downloads v1.01 [ml_downloads.dll]
Nullsoft Playlist Generator v1.7 [ml_plg.dll]
Nullsoft Replay Gain Analyzer v1.2 [ml_rg.dll]
<< Encoder plugins >>
No plugins of this type are installed
<< Summary of system components (*.w5s) >>
(These are not included in the plugin counts below)
aacdec.w5s (1064kb)
adpcm.w5s (15kb)
albumart.w5s (22kb)
auth.w5s (170kb)
bmp.w5s (19kb)
dlmgr.w5s (16kb)
filereader.w5s (14kb)
gif.w5s (19kb)
gracenote.w5s (16kb)
h264.w5s (641kb)
jnetlib.w5s (609kb)
jpeg.w5s (151kb)
mp4v.w5s (197kb)
ombrowser.w5s (294kb)
pcm.w5s (12kb)
playlist.w5s (82kb)
png.w5s (101kb)
primo.w5s (13kb)
tagz.w5s (21kb)
theora.w5s (52kb)
timer.w5s (34kb)
vlb.w5s (121kb)
vp6.w5s (177kb)
vp8.w5s (139kb)
xml.w5s (88kb)
<< Summary of all dlls in the root winamp folder (*.dll) >>
(These are not included in the plugin counts below)
burnlib.dll (81kb) [not loaded]
gen_waco.dll (338kb) [not loaded]
libFLAC.dll (133kb) [not loaded]
libmp4v2.dll (176kb) [not loaded]
libsndfile.dll (247kb) [loaded]
nde.dll (77kb) [loaded]
nscrt.dll (340kb) [loaded]
nsutil.dll (401kb) [loaded]
pxsdkpls.DLL (194kb) [not loaded]
tataki.dll (82kb) [loaded]
zlib.dll (46kb) [loaded]
<< Summary of all dlls in the pluginsgracenote folder (*.dll) >>
(These are not included in the plugin counts below)
CddbAFX3.dll (269kb) [not loaded]
CddbCMSig_1_3.dll (105kb) [not loaded]
CDDBControlWinamp.dll (1577kb) [not loaded]
CddbFEX.dll (637kb) [not loaded]
CddbFPX1.dll (493kb) [not loaded]
CddbMusicIDWinamp.dll (905kb) [not loaded]
CddbPlaylist2Winamp.dll (1101kb) [not loaded]
CddbS12T.dll (373kb) [not loaded]
CDDBUIWinamp.dll (1017kb) [not loaded]
CddbWOManagerWinamp.dll (381kb) [not loaded]
Cddbx1.dll (221kb) [not loaded]
Cddbx2.dll (1353kb) [not loaded]
Cddbx3.dll (1641kb) [not loaded]
Cddbx4.dll (269kb) [not loaded]
Cddbx5.dll (381kb) [not loaded]
<< Summary of installed plugins >>
19 Input plugins installed
6 Output plugins installed
5 Visualisation plugins installed
2 DSP plugins installed
10 General Purpose plugins installed
12 Media Library plugins installed
0 Encoder plugin installed
Total: 54 plugins installed
Also, i have had to temporarily shift the plugins beginning with 'enc_' to another folder not recognised by Winamp as it crashes Winamp completely and doesn't generate a logfile if any of the 'enc_' plugins are present in the plugins folder when I try and run one for nunz.
The DSP plugins I'm trying to use are sound solution and stereo tool. The former was working completely fine for a long time until I thought it'd be a good idea to upgrade my Winamp to the latest version (something which I now regret completely). Then, suddenly sound solution stopped working completely and wouldn't load up at all anymore.
Stereo tool works but occasionally it exhibits the same issues as sound solution, in that it randomly won't load, even if you select it from the list of plugins in preferences. The only way which I have forced it to load is to reinstall said plugin again using its installer program.
Been a loyal Winamp user for many years, had no major problems with it. It's a shame it's decided to go all tits-up now.